Prepare yourself financially with a proactive plan end-of-life that includes health care expenses, funeral and burial costs, and other end-of-life actions. Planning now will help eliminate crippling financial debt and emotional turmoil for your family.
Most Americans are unaware of true long-term health care costs. According to a recent survey from Moll Law Group, respondents estimate long-term care costs to be approximately $25,350, while in reality, the number is closer to $47,000 or more. Not only that, assisted living facilities average $45,000, while semi-private nursing homes average $85,775 and private nursing homes cost just shy of $100,000, according to 2017 Genworth data. Funerals can cost upwards of $7,000, depending on the services provided.
With costs being so outrageous, it’s important to get organized and save for end-of-life during your retirement planning.
First and foremost, getting your essential legal documents is crucial for end-of-life preparation so that not only your healthcare wishes are honored, but also your assets and estate are examined, as well.
Here are some end-of-life costs to consider, which can vary based on the care and services needed:
If healthcare costs are part of your retirement planning, you can help avoid Medicare or Medicaid issues when it comes to funding senior living care and hospital visits as there won’t be surprises. An expert financial advisor can help you set up a financial investment portfolio to help you prepare for these costs.
Typically, funerals are the the most expensive end-of-life cost if healthcare is addressed ahead of time.
There are several types of funerals. Between 2004 and 2014, the median cost of an adult funeral increased 28.6 percent, from $5,582 to $7,181, according to the National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA). End-of-life costs surprise many families while they are dealing with emotional turmoil.
Being prepared with a plan that honors your wishes and covers the costs is like a last gift you can give your grieving family members. Here are the main funeral options:
Funeral costs vary depending on location and service provided, but here is how costs can accumulate:
The first step is to think of your funeral and your individual end-of-life preferences. Make a plan with a financial advisor to help fund costs and review what you can cover with savings and your life insurance.
Additional Planning Tips:
Healthcare is one of the largest retirement expenses in America today and catches many families by surprise. Diligent retirement planning can ensure financial peace of mind in your golden years and alleviate financial and emotional stress for your loved ones when you pass. Connect with a financial advisor today to get your end-of-life planning in order.
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With our trusted network of advisors, we’ll connect you with up to three established planners in your area.
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