Staying engaged and motivated in the workplace can be challenging at any age, but employee engagement can become even more difficult for older Americans. Ageism and burnout are real issues facing seniors today. Get tips to stay engaged at work as there are so many benefits to working longer.
Working longer has many benefits, such as more income and opportunities for socializing and purpose. Working as long as you can will really help you build a nest egg for a better lifestyle during your retirement. Get tips to help yourself enjoy work so that you can work longer, make more money and take advantage of the many benefits the workplace offers.
A recent Gallup poll shows alarmingly low employee engagement among American workers of all ages. Since 2000, Gallup has been tracking the American working population’s engagement levels. Over the past 18 years of research, on average, 30 percent of workers have been engaged at work, leaving 70 percent not engaged.
Their most recent report found that the percentage of “engaged” workers in the United States is now at 34 percent, the highest level since Gallup began tracking employee engagement. While the numbers are on the rise, there is still an alarmingly low level of employee engagement across the country with 13 percent of workers who are “actively disengaged” - having miserable work experiences.
The most recent report also found that 53 percent of workers are “not engaged.” They are generally satisfied with their jobs but are not connected to their work or their workplace. They show up to work, do the minimum required and would quickly leave their company for a better offer.
So, what do you do if you want to continue working to delay retirement, save more, and reap the benefits that come with working, but are not engaged with your work or workplace? These five tips can help you stay engaged and happier at work allowing you to work longer.
A new study published by the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology found that people who spend time doing creative activities outside of work actually perform better at work. Financial health has been linked to personal health as they have both been linked to people are conscientious about life planning. Take a few moments to journal on your lunch break, write a poem, color before bed, start a journal or take up a new hobby. As long as it’s a new skill, you will be exercising your brain, building creative problem-solving skills and boosting your energy during the workday.
Think back to your first day on the job and remember why you wanted the job in the beginning. What was it that drew you to the job and the company? Refocus on the positives of the job and from there, set new goals to learn a skill or talent that you can actively work towards. If possible, let your boss know about your goals and create a plan to achieve your goal over a set period of time. This can help motivate you to stay active and engaged at work. Your financial goals should also be in sync with your work goals.
It’s easy to be thankful for a regular paycheck, but can you be thankful for keeping your cool during a stressful meeting? Or what about having a productive conversation with that difficult co-worker. Even if your management doesn’t show gratitude towards you, think about how you can show your co-workers that you are thankful for them. It’s not only a step toward building a positive corporate culture, but it will also make you more grateful and help build meaningful relationships in the workplace.
Actively seek opportunities to share your expertise with younger employees. Start a training brown bag or create a mentoring relationship with a new employee. Not only will this give you internal validation and an acknowledgment of your own talents, but it will help foster a positive work environment where employees work together and share knowledge.
Learn to rest, not quit. Disengagement can be caused by burnout. Consider how much sleep you are getting each night and take a vacation, or even just a long weekend, to relax, rest, refocus and find the energy to feel better about work or make positive life changes. You may come back from time away reenergized or with new insight into how to become and stay engaged at work.
A successful retirement plan often relies on getting income for a set number of years. Being proactive to figure out your investment time horizon will help you set work goals to determine your optimal retirement age. Even if you have a specific retirement age, it may make sense to work longer or even stay in the workplace part time to have incoming funds to help cushion your paycheck for future retirement costs.
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