An inherited RIA requires you to take annual distributions no matter your age, but there are different rules depending on your relationship to the late account holder and how old they were when they passed. We break down some of your options.
There are several options for you if you inherited an IRA from a spouse. However, those options do change depending on how old your spouse was.
You have four options for your inherited IRA.
Your options are the same in this case, except for the five year method.
It’s best to speak with a financial advisor to go over your options. Because of taxes, penalties, and other asset complications, a financial advisor will be the best way to ensure you are making the best decision for your finances.
Things are only slightly more complicated if you inherit an IRA from a non-spouse. From
As a non-spouse beneficiary, you must directly roll over the inherited assets to an Inherited IRA in your own name and use your own age and the IRS Single Life Expectancy Table for calculating the first year RMD. For each year after, you would subtract one year from the initial life expectancy factor.
Note that there are specific rules depending on when the account holder passed, so a financial advisor who specializes in retirement planning and estates will be able to help you parse through any kind of complications or questions you may have.
Inherited IRAs often come at a tumultuous and emotional time. Because of tax implications and withdrawal penalties, it’s imperative that you have someone who can help you parse through the legalese.
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